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Comply with SUPDfrom single-use to sustainablefor a cleaner environment


The Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) is a regulation enacted by the European Union to combat plastic pollution and promote a circular economy. Effective from July 3, 2021, the directive targets the ten most commonly found single-use plastic items on European beaches, which constitute a significant portion of marine litter and pollution.

Key measures are to ban certain products like cutlery, plates, straws, sticks in plastics but also mandates for design changes, such as the requirement for beverage bottles to have tethered caps by 2024.

The SUPD extends also the producers’s responsibility (EPR) to cover the costs of waste management, cleanup, and awareness-raising measures for products such as tobacco filters and other materials.


Our mission:innovative solutions and servicesin our market areas


Nowadays, plastic-free packaging ensures the consumer full functionality of the material and end-use:  no leaking, no penetration of grease, no bad tastes.

Traditional producer of packaging materials and coatings but also lots of new companies are constantly working on plastic-free (packaging) solutions, to fully eliminate any micro-plastics in take-away food materials. We are cooperating with innovate companies and actively aim to establish this new packaging generation - for a cleaner and healthier environment.

Look at the creative and breath-taking results of the innovative master-minds of NotPla, taking nature as their lead. They engineer seaweed-based food containers which can be easily composted and disappear without a trace – just like a fruit peel.

further information:

video source: notpla | youtube

Oursustainable product portfoliofor the take-away food segment


The Cappelen Group takes care of our environment and can provide following certificates:

FSC® (FSC-C127933) – Forest Stewardship Council® is a system for the certifcation of forestry that is supported by several environmental organisations.

PEFCTM (PEFC/06-37-02) – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifcation schemes is an international system for forest certifcation.

Both systems demonstrate traceability and are integrated into our business.
Cappelen group is reviewed annually by internal and external audits.

CAPPELEN | Certificates 2025 | PEFC _ FSC | pdf [697,3 KB]

Move fromconventional to plastic-free packaging to make our planet cleaner


CAPPELEN | group

Marokkanergasse 22/10
1030 Wien | AT
Tel: +43/1/5953011-0
Fax: +43/1/5953011-55

Reg. Gericht Wien, FN 109979i
USt-ID: ATU 14847200

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